I was born stupid, but I will not die hungry.
- Quinley Basdel, educating the Proletariat
If seagulls can eat anything, why has no one used them to transport drugs?
-Quinley Baseel, about to shove a 5ib bag of coke down a seagulls gullet.
If you die, you die in real life and reincarnate as the hellgender. That's why there is no Misterssippi.
- Quinley Basdel, discovering the 6th Dimension.
Ah, the 90's. When Croaker from the Battletoads shot out of Laura Crofts vagina and did a sick 180 over Bill Clinton's face, the 90's began, and if you disagree with me YOU ARE STUPID.
- Quinley Basdel, reminiscing.
I am Quinley Basdel.
- Quinley Basdel, Tposing while noclipping through a wall.